Archive for the ‘Organic/Natural’ Category

The Trial…

When considering venturing into organic/natural EATing and dining, we opted to have a “float,” trial period. There was researching, studying, and taste testing. The plan was to dive right into………..


Organic, Vegetarian, then Vegan. All for the duration of one month each.

Up first is organic/natural. The store in our sites, Trader Joe’s.

Our first shopping experience was a short one. As both of us like to state, in our valley voices, “this is so intense.”

Thus began the Trial Period which allowed us to ease into organic/natural living & EATing!!! Our first shopping experience included Gluten Free Waffles (which are are a much lighter version of Eggos less the preservatives), brown cage free eggs (which means the chickens are allowed to eat whatever’s within their reach), Earth Balance butter (vegan friendly), & Organic Maple Syrup (100% natural.)

The End Result…

Let’s E.A.T.!!!